Scripture Verse

God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. Romans 11:29


Frederick L. Hosmer (1840–1929)

Words: Fred­er­ick L. Hos­mer, 1908. Hos­mer wrote this hymn while pas­tor at the First Uni­ta­ri­an Church, Ber­ke­ley, Ca­li­for­nia. It was pub­lished in his Thought of God, Third Ser­ies, 1918.

Music: St. Ger­trude Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Arthur S. Sullivan (1842–1900)


Forward through the ages, in un­brok­en line,
Move the faith­ful spir­its, at the call di­vine;
Gifts in dif­fer­ent mea­sure, hearts of one ac­cord,
Manifold the ser­vice, one the sure re­ward.


Forward through the ag­es, in un­brok­en line
Move the faith­ful spir­its at the call di­vine.

Wider grows the king­dom, reign of love and light;
For it we must la­bor, till our faith is sight.
Prophets have pro­claimed it, mar­tyrs tes­ti­fied.
Poets sung its glo­ry, he­roes for it died.


Not alone we con­quer, not alone we fall;
In each loss or tri­umph lose or tri­umph all.
Bound by God’s far pur­pose in one liv­ing whole,
Move we on to­ge­ther to the shin­ing goal.
