Come…help us.
Acts 16:9
Words: Martin M. Knapp, Bible Songs of Salvation and Victory (Cincinnati, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, 1902), number 127.
Music: Santiago Robert B. Finch, 1898 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Finch (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
From California’s vineyards
To Carolina’s strand,
We hear the wail of anguish
That rises in our land,
From Maine to Mississippi,
We see the blight of sin,
And hear the groans of sorrow
Above our city’s din.
We’ll heed the Savior’s summons,
On wings of love we fly,
To bear the Gospel message
Ere at our door they die.
From Asia’s dark dominions,
And Afric’s burning sand,
Like mighty streams of water
They pour into our land.
From Europe’s crowded cities,
They flow from year to year,
And bring their crimes and vices
And superstitions here.
From many a haunt of evil,
From many a home of shame,
We must their souls deliver
From sin in Jesus’ name.
In many a street and alley,
They wander to and fro,
And swiftly down are sinking,
To realms of endless woe.
Glad tidings of salvation
We thus shall speed along,
Till every place of sorrow
Becomes a place of song;
Till slaves of vice and folly
At Jesus’ feet shall fall,
And claim His great salvation,
And crown Him Lord of all.