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Scripture Verse

I have glorified Thee on the earth: I have finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do. John 17:4


Meredith Nicholson

Words: Me­re­dith Ni­chol­son, be­fore 1918, alt.

Music: Sher­wood Hen­ry J. Gaunt­lett (1805–1876) (🔊 ).

If you know when the words or mu­sic were writ­ten, would you send us an e-mail?

Henry Gauntlett
National Portrait Gallery



From Beth­lehem to Cal­va­ry,
The Sav­ior’s jour­ney lay;
Doubt, un­be­lief, scorn, fear and hate
Beset Him day by day,
But in His heart He bore God’s love
That bright­ened all the way.

O’er the Ju­de­an hills He walked,
Serene and brave of soul,
He sought the beat­en paths of men,
He touched and made them whole;
He died at last for love of man,
On Cal­va­ry’s dark­ened knoll.

He went with pa­tient steps and slow,
As one who scat­ters seed;
Like a fierce hun­ger in His heart,
He felt the world’s great need,
And the ne­ga­tions Moses gave
He changed to lov­ing deed.

From Beth­le­hem to Cal­va­ry
The world still fol­lows on,
E’en as the halt and blind of old
Along His path were drawn;
Through Cal­va­ry’s clouds they seek the light
That led Him to the dawn.