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Scripture Verse

Go work to day in my vineyard. Matthew 21:28


Charles C. Converse

Words: Lew­is F. Lind­say, Hymn-Songs (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1895), page 173, alt.

Music: Er­ie Charles C. Con­verse, 1868 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lind­say (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Go, ye work­ers in God’s vine­yard,
Go, ye her­alds of the cross;
Go, in­vite the lost to Je­sus,
Go, you will not suf­fer loss.
Go, for God will give you cour­age,
Go, you will not be alone;
Go, His arm will be around you,
Go, for Him, to ev­ery home.

You may meet with ma­ny tri­als,
You may some­times meet re­buff;
You may find the way un­plea­sant,
You must pray for grace enough.
You must work and do the bid­ding—
You have His com­mand to Go;
You must nev­er be dis­cour­aged,
You will ov­er­come the foe.

Grant us, Lord, Thy heav’n­ly bless­ing,
Give your grace from up ab­ove;
House to house, for vi­si­ta­tion,
In Thy name we’ll go in love.
Brothers, sis­ters, friends and neigh­bors,
Pastors, teach­ers, stu­dents, all,
Are unit­ed in this ser­vice,
On us rich­est bless­ings fall.