This is My body which is given for you.
Luke 22:19
Words: Louis F. Benson, 1924.
Music: Agape Charles J. Dickinson, 1861 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good photo of Dickinson (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The inspiration came to [Benson] on November 21, 1924, shortly after a Communion service in the Second Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia, which he attended. Three stanzas were the result.
Before permitting their use, however, he consulted two friends, one of whom was Henry Sloane Coffin, D. D., then pastor of the Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City. In the quiet of Dr. Benson’s study the hymn was read and discussed.
Dr. Coffin was delighted, but suggested that a fourth stanza should be added. To this suggestion the author acceded.
Whereupon Dr. Coffin asked to print the hymn in his church calendar, through the channels of which it was first used.
Laufer, pp. 104–05
For the bread, which Thou hast broken;
For the wine, which Thou hast poured;
For the words, which Thou hast spoken—
Now we give Thee thanks, O Lord.
By this pledge that Thou dost love us,
By Thy gift of peace restored,
By Thy call to Heaven above us,
Hallow all our lives, O Lord.
With our sainted ones in glory,
Seated at our Father’s board,
May the Church that waiteth for Thee
Keep love’s tie unbroken, Lord.
In Thy service, Lord, defend us,
In our hearts keep watch and ward;
In the world where Thou dost send us
Let Thy kingdom come, O Lord.