Scripture Verse

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory. Isaiah 6:3


Words: Fol­li­ot S. Pier­point, in Ly­ra Eu­cha­ris­ti­ca, by Or­by Ship­ley, se­cond edi­tion, 1864. This hymn was sung in the 1994 ver­sion of the mo­vie Lit­tle Wo­men, which was nom­in­at­ed for sev­er­al Aca­de­my Awards.

Music: Dix Con­rad Koch­er, 1838 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pier­point (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Conrad Kocher (1786–1872)


Falls of Yosemite
Thomas Hill (1829–1908)

For the beau­ty of the earth
For the glo­ry of the skies,
For the love which from our birth
Over and around us lies.


Lord of all, to Thee we raise, *
This our hymn of grate­ful praise.

For the beau­ty of each hour,
Of the day and of the night,
Hill and vale, and tree and flow­er,
Sun and moon, and stars of light.


For the joy of ear and eye,
For the heart and mind’s de­light,
For the mys­tic har­mo­ny
Linking sense to sound and sight.


For the joy of hu­man love,
Brother, sis­ter, par­ent, child,
Friends on earth and friends ab­ove,
For all gen­tle thoughts and mild.


For Thy Church, that ev­er­more
Lifteth ho­ly hands ab­ove,
Offering up on ev­ery shore
Her pure sac­ri­fice of love.


For the mar­tyrs’ crown of light,
For Thy pro­phets’ ea­gle eye,
For Thy bold con­fess­ors’ might,
For the lips of in­fan­cy.


For Thy vir­gins’ robes of snow,
For Thy maid­en mo­ther mild,
For Thy­self, with hearts aglow,
Jesu, Vic­tim un­de­filed.


For each per­fect gift of Thine,
To our race so free­ly given,
Graces hu­man and di­vine,
Flowers of earth and buds of Hea­ven.


Christ our God, to Thee we raise