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Scripture Verse

The blood of Jesus Christ.…cleanseth us from all sin. 1 John 1:7


Words: Lou­ise M. Rouse, in Win­nowed Hymns, by Charles C. Mc­Cabe & Da­ni­el T. Mac­Far­lan (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1873), num­ber 101.

Music: Da­gen­ham Do­ra Boole, 1873 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Rouse or Boole (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Precious Sav­ior, Thou hast saved me;
Thine, and on­ly Thine I am;
Oh! the cleans­ing blood has reached me,
Glory, glo­ry to the Lamb!


Glory, glo­ry, Je­sus saves me,
Glory, glo­ry to the Lamb!
Oh! the cleans­ing blood has reached me,
Glory, glo­ry to the Lamb!

Long my yearn­ing heart was try­ing
To en­joy this per­fect rest;
But I gave all try­ing ov­er;
Simply trust­ing, I was blest.


Trusting, trust­ing, eve­ry mo­ment,
Feeling now the blood ap­plied;
Lying at the cleans­ing fount­ain,
Dwelling in my Sav­ior’s side.


Consecrated to Thy ser­vice,
I will live and die to Thee;
I will wit­ness to Thy glo­ry,
Of sal­va­tion full and free.


Yes, I will stand up for Je­sus;
He has sweet­ly saved my soul,
Cleansed me from in­bred cor­rupt­ion,
Sanctified, and made me whole.


Glory! to the blood that bought me!
Glory to its cleans­ing pow­er!
Glory to the blood that keeps me!
Glory, glo­ry, ev­er­more!
