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Scripture Verse

I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven. John 6:51


Words: George Bo­dy, in his 1885 re­vi­sion of the Durham Hymn Book.

Music: Stel­la (He­my) ar­ranged from an Eng­lish folk tune by Hen­ri F. He­my, Ea­sy Hymn Tunes for Ca­tho­lic Schools 1851 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bo­dy (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Father, who dost Thy child­ren feed
With man­na rain­èd from above;
Who dost the sav­ing chal­ice give,
Filled by Thy hand in won­drous love:
We praise Thee for Thy mer­cies sent
To us in this great sac­ra­ment.

O Word made flesh, whom we ad­ore,
The liv­ing Bread sent down from Heav’n,
Whose won­drous pass­ion here shown forth
Is the great pledge of sin for­giv­en;
We praise Thee for Thy mer­cies sent
To us in this great sac­ra­ment.

O Ho­ly Spir­it, who dost reign
These earth­ly ele­ments to bless,
Making the bread His flesh to be,
The wine His blood, as we con­fess;
We praise Thee for Thy mer­cies sent
To us in this great sac­ra­ment.

Ye holy an­gels, who, with us,
Around God’s al­tar low­ly bow,
Adoring there the Cru­ci­fied,
Whose pre­cious death is plead­ed now,
O praise Him for His mer­cies sent
To us in this great sac­ra­ment!

Ye bless­èd saints, en­throned on high,
Who once the paths of earth did tread,
Who reached in safe­ty God’s ab­ode,
As strength­ened by this liv­ing bread;
O praise Him for His mer­cies sent
To us in this great sac­ra­ment!

O Ho­ly Fa­ther, Ho­ly Son,
And Ho­ly Spir­it, whom we love,
Guide, strength­en, save us here be­low,
And bring us to our home ab­ove,
To praise Thee for Thy mer­cies sent
To us in this great sac­ra­ment!