Scripture Verse

Lord of all the earth. Zechariah 6:5


Words: Au­thor un­known, 6th Cen­tu­ry (Te De­um lau­da­mus). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by James E. Mill­ard in the De­vout Cho­ris­ter, by Tho­mas F. Smith (Lon­don: Jo­seph Mas­ters, 1848), page 106.

Music: Rose­bank ano­ny­mous, in The Hym­nal (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion & Sab­bath-School Work, 1907) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mil­lard (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


God eter­nal, Lord of all,
Lowly at Thy feet we fall;
All the earth doth wor­ship Thee;
We amidst the throng would be.

All the ho­ly an­gels cry,
Hail, thrice ho­ly, God most high!
Lord of all the hea­ven­ly pow­ers
Be the same loud an­them ours.

Glorified apos­tles raise
Night and day con­tin­ual praise;
Hast Thou not a mis­sion, too,
For Thy child­ren here to do?

With Thy pro­phets’ good­ly line
We in mys­tic bond com­bine;
For Thou hast to babes re­vealed
Things that to the wise were sealed.

Martyrs, in a no­ble host,
Of Thy cross are heard to boast;
Since so bright the crown they wear,
Early we Thy cross would bear.

All Thy Church in Heav’n and earth
Jesus, hail Thy spot­less birth,
Own the God who all has made,
And the Spir­it’s sooth­ing aid.

Offspring of a vir­gin’s womb,
Slain, and vic­tor o’er the tomb,
Seated on the judg­ment throne,
Number us among Thine own.!

Day by day we mag­ni­fy Thee,
And would ev­er­more be nigh Thee:
Keep us from the tempt­er’s snare;
Spare Thy peo­ple, Je­su, spare!