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Scripture Verse

[He] prayed, saying, O My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt. Matthew 26:39


Frank Lehman (1859–1931)

Words: Al­ice J. Clea­tor, in Up­lift­ed Voic­es, ed­it­ed by Ad­am Gei­bel & Frank Leh­man (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Gei­bel & Leh­man, 1901), num­ber 181.

Music: R. Frank Leh­man (🔊 ).


In the still gar­den, dark and lone,
See Him in pray­er—the sin­less One;
His loved dis­ci­ples sad­ly sleep
The Lord, alone, a watch doth keep.


The morn­ing breaks! The sha­dows flee;
All hail the song of vic­to­ry!
The gloom of death has passed away
Before the dawn of East­er day;
The gloom of death has passed away
Before the glo­ri­ous dawn of East­er day.

Soon comes the hour of cru­el pain;
Soon must the Lamb of God be slain;
Look How he pleads new strength and pow­er
To bear—alone—dark Cal­va­ry’s hour.


Within the gar­den still and lone,
Ere yet the mid­night watch is done;
Hark to the sound of an­gel wings
For One from Heav’n sweet com­fort brings.


Hark to the cla­mor of the crowd!
Hark to those voic­es strange and loud!
They bear Him to the cross of pain,
And lo!—for us—the Lord is slain!


O Lamb of God! O sin­less One!
Such love as Thine was nev­er known;
O love di­vine that suf­fered so—
That bore—for us—such weight of woe!


Agony in the Garden
Heinrich Hoffman, 1886