Get thee behind Me, Satan.
Matthew 16:23
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns for Times of Trouble and Persecution, second edition, enlarged (London: Strahan, 1744), pages 38–39.
Music: Göttingen, in The Primitive Methodist Hymnal, edited by George Booth (London: Primitive Methodist Publishing House, 1889), number 1007 (🔊
Get thee behind us, fiend,
With all thy baffled art!
The sheep we know Thou canst not rend,
Unless Thou first canst part:
Jesus His ten-fold power
His saints assembled claim:
Tremble, thou fiend, and fly before
Our mighty captain’s name.
Thy wisdom from below
Full well we understand;
Disperse, and then our souls o’erthrow,
Divide us, and command:
But Jesus still shall hold
And keep us safe from harms,
Together lodged within His fold,
His everlasting arms.
While in our shepherd’s breast
Our helpless souls we hide,
No devils can disturb our rest,
Nor can the world divide:
To build each other up
We now in Jesus join,
And who shall burst the bond, or stop
The intercourse divine?
This God hath bid us do,
And man forbids in vain;
Ye never, never can break through
Love’s adamantine chain:
Joined by the Savior’s will,
The same in mind and heart,
Ye may afflict us here, and kill,
But ye can never part.
Resolved our Lord t’obey,
In spite of man’s command,
Together in the ancient way
Through His support we stand:
Nor will we hence remove,
Till all triumphant rise
And meet the first-born Church above,
Assembled in the skies.