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Scripture Verse

Come unto Me. Matthew 11:28


Words & Mu­sic: George H. San­di­son, 1906 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of San­di­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


In darkness I lin­gered
’Mid doubt and des­pair,
Sin’s bond­age long held me
A cap­tive to care;
But Je­sus de­livered
My soul from its chains,
His pre­cious blood cleansed me
From sin’s guil­ty stains.


Get right with God!
His par­don is free,
Get right with God,
He’s wait­ing for thee;
Our Je­sus is call­ing:
Oh, come un­to Me;
Take Him, O sin­ner,
And get right with God.

The world and its plea­sures
Did tempt me to stray,
I saw not the dan­ger
That lurked on the way;
The toils closed around me,
I knew no re­lease,
But Je­sus has found me
And giv’n me His peace.


The path­way to Cal­v’ry
Is toil­some and hard,
Yet tread it, O faint one,
And find thy re­ward;
There lay down thy bur­den,
And wash in the stream
That flows like a fount­ain,
Thy soul to re­deem.


Repent while He calls thee,
While yet it is day,
Take with thee His gift of
Free par­don away;
Take Christ for thy Sav­ior,
Redeemer and friend,
His love will sus­tain thee
Secure to the end.
