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Scripture Verse

His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1740.

Music: Hamp­stead (Hor­ner) Eg­bert F. Hor­ner, 1904 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Horn­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Giver of con­cord, Prince of Peace,
Meek, lamb-like Son of God,
Bid our un­ru­ly pass­ions cease,
O quench them with Thy blood.

Rebuke our rage, our pass­ions chide,
Our stub­born wills con­trol,
Beat down our wrath, root out our pride,
And calm each trou­bled soul.

Subdue in us the car­nal mind,
Its en­mi­ty de­stroy,
With cords of love our spiri­ts bind,
And melt us in­to joy.

Us in­to clos­est un­ion draw,
And in our in­ward parts
Let kind­ness sweet­ly write her law,
And love com­mand our hearts.

O let Thy love our hearts con­strain!
Jesus the Cru­ci­fied!
What hast Thou done our hearts to gain!
Languished, and groaned, and died.

Who would not now pur­sue the way
Where Je­su’s foot­steps shine?
Who would not own the pleas­ing sway
Of char­ity di­vine?

Savior, look down with pi­ty­ing eyes,
Our jar­ring wills con­trol,
Let cor­dial, kind af­fect­ions rise,
And har­mo­nize the soul.

Thee let us feel be­nign­ly near
With all Thy quick­en­ing pow­ers
The sound­ing of Thy bow­els hear,
And an­swer Thee with ours.

O let us find the an­cient way,
Our won­der­ing foes to move,
And force the hea­then world to say,
See how these Chris­tians love!