His name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns and Sacred Poems 1740.
Music: Hampstead (Horner) Egbert F. Horner, 1904 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Horner (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Giver of concord, Prince of Peace,
Meek, lamb-like Son of God,
Bid our unruly passions cease,
O quench them with Thy blood.
Rebuke our rage, our passions chide,
Our stubborn wills control,
Beat down our wrath, root out our pride,
And calm each troubled soul.
Subdue in us the carnal mind,
Its enmity destroy,
With cords of love our spirits bind,
And melt us into joy.
Us into closest union draw,
And in our inward parts
Let kindness sweetly write her law,
And love command our hearts.
O let Thy love our hearts constrain!
Jesus the Crucified!
What hast Thou done our hearts to gain!
Languished, and groaned, and died.
Who would not now pursue the way
Where Jesu’s footsteps shine?
Who would not own the pleasing sway
Of charity divine?
Savior, look down with pitying eyes,
Our jarring wills control,
Let cordial, kind affections rise,
And harmonize the soul.
Thee let us feel benignly near
With all Thy quickening powers
The sounding of Thy bowels hear,
And answer Thee with ours.
O let us find the ancient way,
Our wondering foes to move,
And force the heathen world to say,
See how these Christians love!