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Scripture Verse

My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up. Psalm 5:3


Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems 1742, pag­es 87–89, alt.

Music: Hat­tie (Stans­ber­ry) J. B. Stans­ber­ry, in the Af­ri­can Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Hymn and Tune Book (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Af­ri­can Me­tho­dist Epis­co­pal Book Con­cern, 1898), num­ber 380 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know Stans­ber­ry’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Giver and Guard­ian of my sleep,
To praise Thy name I wake;
Still, Lord, Thy help­less ser­vant keep
For Thy own mer­cy’s sake.

The bless­ing of ano­ther day
I thank­ful­ly re­ceive:
O may I on­ly Thee ob­ey,
And to Thy glo­ry live.

Vouchsafe to keep my soul from sin,
Its cru­el pow­er sus­pend,
Till all this strife and war with­in
In per­fect peace shall end.

O res­cue me from self and pride,
Curb and keep down my will;
My ap­pe­tites and pass­ions chide,
And bid the sea be still.

Upon me lay Thy migh­ty hand,
My words and thoughts re­strain;
Bow my whole soul to Thy com­mand,
Nor let my faith be vain.

Prisoner of hope, I wait the hour
Which shall sal­va­tion bring,
When all I am shall own Thy pow­er,
And call my Je­sus King.

Thou wilt, I stead­fast­ly be­lieve,
Thou wilt the cap­tive free;
Freedom, full, per­fect free­dom give,
And more than vic­to­ry.

Tho’ now to ev­ery sin in­clined,
I shall be as Thou art;
Lowly as Thine shall be my mind,
And meek and pure my heart.

Anger and lust Thou wilt e­xpel,
And pride by strong­er grace;
They can in me no long­er dwell,
When Je­sus fills the place.

Thy pre­sence, Lord, the place shall fill,
My heart shall be Thy throne,
Thy holy, just and per­fect will
Shall in my flesh be done.

I thank Thee for the fu­ture grace,
And now in hope re­joice,
In con­fi­dence to see Thy face,
And al­ways hear Thy voice.

I have the things I ask of Thee,
What shall I more re­quire?
That still my soul may rest­less be,
And on­ly Thee de­sire.

Or let me, if I more would have,
This last de­sire sub­mit,
And lie, till Thou seest good to save,
Expecting at Thy feet.

Thy on­ly will be done, not mine,
But make me, Lord, Thy home;
Come when Thou wilt, I that re­sign,
But O! my Je­sus, come!