You are the light of the world…let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.
Matthew 5:14–16
Words: James Rowe, in CarÂol Crown, by James D. VaughÂan et al. (LawÂrenceÂburg, TenÂnesÂsee: James D. VaughÂan, 1915), numÂber 49.
Music: Claude V. LesÂlie (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of LeslÂie (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
Give the world your sunÂshine
Sing along the way,
Helping souls to bear the
Burdens of the day;
Comforting the sad ones
Every time you may,
Give it in the MasÂter’s name.
Give your sunÂshine as you go along,
Smile for others, sing a hapÂpy song;
Till you join the fair ceÂlesÂtiÂal throng,
Give it in the MasÂter’s name.
Give the light to othÂers,
Who are deep in need;
Magnify the SavÂior
Both in word and deed;
Over dreaÂry valÂleys
Heaven’s mesÂsage speed,
Give it in the MasÂter’s name.
Give the world your sunÂshine
And inÂcrease in love
For the great ReÂdeemÂer,
Heaven’s hoÂly Dove;
Then the shinÂing life-crown
Shall be yours abÂove,
Give it in the MasÂter’s name.