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Scripture Verse

The hope of glory. Colossians 1:27


Words & Mu­sic: An­ton J. Kehr­ein, 1916 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kehrein (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


There’s a glo­ri­ous hope
Thrilling Chris­tian souls to­day,
And our hearts beat high
As in faith we watch and pray,
Looking un­to Him
Who shall call His own away
To the glo­ry ov­er yon­der.


In the glo­ry ov­er yon­der,
We shall meet Him by and by,
We shall greet Him in the sky;
Praising Him in love and won­der,
In the glo­ry ov­er yon­der.

As we wait for Him,
Daily watch­ing and in pray­er,
What a peace He gives,
What a joy be­yond com­pare;
Just a fore­taste here
Of the rap­ture we will share
In the glo­ry ov­er yon­der.


Is your heart at rest?
Have you giv­en all to God?
Are you ful­ly cleansed
In the Sav­ior’s pre­cious blood?
Are you walk­ing now
In the path that Je­sus trod
To the glo­ry ov­er yon­der?
