Scripture Verse

My heart standeth in awe of Thy Word. Psalm 119:161


William Cowper

Words: Will­iam Cow­per, cir­ca 1770.

Music: Bur­ling­ton John F. Bur­rowes, 1830 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bur­rowes (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


A glo­ry gilds the sac­red page,
Majestic like the sun;
It gives a light to ev­ery age;
It gives, but bor­rows none.

The Spir­it breathes up­on the Word
And brings the truth to sight;
Precepts and pro­mis­es af­ford
A sanc­ti­fy­ing light.

The hand that gave it still sup­plies
The gra­cious light and heat;
His truths upon the na­tions rise;
They rise, but nev­er set.

Let ev­er­last­ing thanks be Thine
For such a bright dis­play.
As makes a world of dark­ness shine
With beams of heav­en­ly day.

My soul rejoices to pur­sue
The steps of Him I love,
Till glo­ry breaks up­on my view
In bright­er worlds ab­ove.