Scripture Verse

This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth His glory. John 2:11


Words: Hyde W. Bea­don, The Par­ish Hymn Book 1863.

Music: St. He­le­na (Mil­grove) Ben­ja­min Mil­grove, 1769 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Bea­don or Mil­grove (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Glory to Thee, O Lord,
Who by Thy migh­ty pow­er
Didst ma­ni­fest Thy glo­ry forth
In Ca­na’s mar­riage hour.

Thou spak­est: it was done:
Obedient to Thy word,
The water red­den­ing in­to wine
Proclaimed the pre­sent Lord.

Blest were the eyes which saw
That won­drous mys­te­ry,
The great be­gin­ning of Thy works
That kin­dled faith in Thee.

And bless­èd they who know
Thine un­seen pre­sence true,
When in the king­dom of Thy grace
Thou mak­est all things new.

For by Thy lov­ing hand
Thy peo­ple still are fed;
Thine is the cup of bless­ing, Lord,
And Thou the heav’n­ly bread.

O may that grace be ours,
Ever in Thee to live,
And drink of those re­fresh­ing streams,
Which Thou alone canst give.

So, led from strength to strength,
Grant us, O Lord, to see
The mar­riage sup­per of the Lamb,
Thy great epi­pha­ny.

Marriage at Cana
Gerard David (1460–1523)