Scripture Verse

His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried. He is a shield to all those who trust and take refuge in Him. 2 Samuel 22:31


Words & Mu­sic: Li­da S. Leech, in The Gos­pel Mes­sage No. 1, ed­it­ed by J. Lin­coln Hall, C. Aus­tin Miles & Ad­am Gei­bel (New York & Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1911), num­ber 22 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lida S. Leech (1873–1962)


God’s way is the best way,
Tho’ I may not see
Why sorrows and trials
Oft gather ’round me;
He ever is seeking
My gold to refine,
So humbly I trust Him,
My Sav­ior divine.


God’s way is the best way,
God’s way is the right way,
I’ll trust in Him alway,
He knoweth the best.

God’s way is the best way,
My path He hath planned,
I’ll trust in Him alway
While holding His hand.
In shadow or sunshine
He ever is near,
With Him for my refuge,
I ne­ver need fear.


God’s way shall be my way,
He knoweth the best.
And leaning upon Him,
Sweet, sweet is my rest.
No harm can befall me,
Safe, safe shall I be,
I’ll cling to Him ever,
So precious is He.
