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Scripture Verse

You are my witnesses, says the Lord. Isaiah 43:10


Words: Sam­uel Long­fel­low, Hymns of the Spir­it 1864, alt.

Music: Cor­win Jo­seph W. Ler­man, in Hymns of Wor­ship and Ser­vice, ed­it­ed by George Whelp­ton, 1908 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ler­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Samuel Longfellow


God’s trum­pet wakes the slum­ber­ing world;
Now each man to his post!
The red cross ban­ner is un­furled;
Who joins the glo­ri­ous host?
Who joins the glo­ri­ous host?
He who, in feal­ty to the truth,
Not count­ing all the cost,
Doth con­se­crate his gen­er­ous youth,
He joins the no­ble host,
He joins the no­ble host.

He who, no an­ger on his tongue,
Nor any idle boast,
Bears stead­fast wit­ness ’gainst the wrong,
He joins the sac­red host,
He joins the sac­red host.
He who, with calm, un­daunt­ed will,
Ne’er counts the bat­tle lost,
But, though de­feat­ed, bat­tles still,
He joins the faith­ful host,
He joins the faith­ful host.

He who is rea­dy for the cross,
The cause des­pised loves most,
And shuns not pain, nor shame, nor loss,
He joins the mar­tyr host,
He joins the mar­tyr host.
God’s trum­pet wakes the slum­ber­ing world;
Now each man to his post!
The red cross ban­ner is un­furled;
We join the glo­ri­ous host,
We join the glo­ri­ous host.