He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Matthew 24:31
Words: Anonymous, in Select Psalms and Hymns, for the Use of St. Lawrence’s Church, Reading, Berks. (Reading, England: M. Cowslade, 1809), pages 168–69.
Music: Darwall’s 148th John Darwall, in The New Universal Psalmodist, by Aaron Williams, 1770 (🔊
If you know the author, or where to get a good picture of him or Darwall, would you send us an e-mail?
Hark ’tis the trumpet’s sound!
It closes earthly things;
It echoes all around,
And great the news it brings;
It says that Jesus is at hand,
And bids the world before Him stand.
The sound is heard afar,
It goes through sea and land;
And now before His bar,
Th’assembled nations stand;
His friends are mingled with His foes,
But who are His the Savior knows.
And now He calls His own,
To dwell with Him above;
To sit upon His throne,
And share His endless love;
With joy they meet Him in the clouds,
And mix with Heav’n’s exulting crowds.
O may my portion be
With those whom Jesus owns!
This is enough for me,
’Tis more than earthly thrones.
Let others take what earth can give:
With Jesus only let me live.