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Scripture Verse

Let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 1 Thessalonians 5:6


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Re­vi­val Ma­ga­zine, 1859.

Music: Morn­ing­side Hen­ry E. Dib­din, in The Praise Book, by W. Reid, 1866 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Dib­din (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Hark! ’tis the watch­man’s cry,
Wake, breth­ren, wake!
Jesus our Lord is nigh;
Wake, breth­ren, wake!
Sleep is for sons of night;
Ye are child­ren of the light,
Yours is the glo­ry bright;
Wake, breth­ren, wake!

Call to each work­ing band,
Watch, breth­ren, watch!
Clear is our Lord’s com­mand;
Watch, breth­ren, watch!
Be ye as men that wait
Always at the Mas­ter’s gate,
E’en though He tar­ry late;
Watch, breth­ren, watch!

Heed ye the stew­ard’s call,
Work, breth­ren, work!
There’s room enough for all;
Work, breth­ren, work!
This vine­yard of the Lord
Constant la­bor will af­ford;
Yours is a sure re­ward;
Work, breth­ren, work!

Hear ye the Shep­herd’s voice,
Pray, breth­ren, pray!
Would ye His heart re­joice?
Pray, breth­ren, pray!
Sin calls for con­stant fear,
Weakness needs the Strong One near
Long as ye strug­gle here;
Pray, breth­ren, pray!

Now sound the fi­nal chord,
Praise, breth­ren, praise!
Thrice holy is our Lord;
Praise, breth­ren, praise!
What more be­fits the tongues
Soon to lead the an­gels’ songs,
While Heav’n the note pro­longs,
Praise, breth­ren, praise!