Scripture Verse

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35


Words: Ho­ra­tio G. Ab­bey, in The Palm of Vic­to­ry (St. Lou­is, Mis­sou­ri: L. H. Dow­ling, 1874).

Music: Alon­zo J. Ab­bey (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ho­ra­tio or Alon­zo Ab­bey (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


The har­vest is white! The la­borers are few,
And work is abun­dant for Chris­tians to do.
The poor and the fam­ished
Are cry­ing for bread,
The sick must be cared for, the hung­ry be fed.
Go forth to the har­vest, go work for the Lord,
The least act of kind­ness shall have its re­ward.
Go forth to the har­vest, go work for the Lord,
The least act of kind­ness shall have its re­ward.

The har­vest is white! From far dist­ant lands,
The heath­en are cry­ing with up­lift­ed hands.
While rings loud and clear
The com­mand of the Lord,
Go ye to all na­tions, and pub­lish My Word.
Go forth to the har­vest, go, la­bor with might,
The day is fast pass­ing, soon com­eth the night.
Go forth to the har­vest, go, labor with might,
The day is fast pass­ing, soon com­eth the night.

The har­vest is white! On all sides around,
The woe strick­en fol­low­ers of Sa­tan abound;
Degraded, de­based and cor­rupt­ed with sin,
From street and from al­ley, go ga­ther them in.
Go forth to the har­vest, there’s no time to lose,
The Sav­ior com­mands it! Let no one re­fuse.
Go forth to the har­vest, there’s no time to lose,
The Sav­ior com­mands it! Let no one re­fuse.

The har­vest is white! Go forth to the field,
If young or too fee­ble the sic­kle to wield,
The sheaves must be ga­thered,
And some one must wait,
While others are toil­ing, to watch at the gate.
Go forth to the har­vest, the great and the small,
Go work with a will, for there’s work for us all.
Go forth to the har­vest, the great and the small,
Go work with a will, for there’s work for us all.