Scripture Verse

[He] was made in the likeness of men. Philippians 2:7


Herbert H. Wernecke

Words & Mu­sic: In­di­an; trans­lat­ed by Adele Wo­bus & Her­bert H. Wer­nec­ke (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the orig­in­al lang­uage, or can pro­vide the In­di­an words in the orig­in­al script,



He be­came in­car­nate, Christ the King of glo­ry,
He be­came in­car­nate

Shepherds were keep­ing their night­ly watch on Beth­lem’s plain,
Fear not, O bro­thers, the an­gel ad­dressed them,
Wonderful bright­ness around them shone so mar­vel­ous­ly.
Joy I pro­claim through the birth of the Sav­ior.


He be­came in­car­nate, Christ the King of glo­ry,
He became in­car­nate

This sign I’ll show you by which you’ll find the Lord of all.
Suddenly heav­en­ly hosts sang forth prais­es.
In Da­vid’s ci­ty you’ll find Him in a low­ly stall.
Glory to God who gives peace on earth good will.


Transliterated In­di­an text:

Lína awa­tá­rá soí ja­ga­rai­já
Lína awa­tá­rá.

Desha Yahúdamen
Kitane gareriye
Kheton men jo saba basa rarayá.