Hear my prayer, O Lord.
Psalm 39:12
Words: Joel Blomqvist (1840–1930) (Helige Fader, Böj Ditt Öra Neder). Translated from Swedish to English by Carl E. Backstrom (1901–1984).
Music: Flemming Friedrich F. Flemming, 1811 (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Blomqvist, would you send us an e-mail?
O heav’nly Father, hear my supplication,
I bow before Thee in Thy congregation;
Humble and needy, seeking Thy salvation,
Hear Thou my prayer, O God!
Draw me, Redeemer, I would seek Thee solely,
Help me to cherish, love, obey Thee wholly,
Fully surrendered, live a life that’s holy,
Hear Thou my prayer, O God!
Dwell Thou, O Savior, in my heart forever,
Thou who hast promised nothing shall us sever,
Comfort and lead me, I would leave Thee never,
Hear Thou my prayer, O God.