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Scripture Verse

From the mouths of children and sucklings come songs of praise to You. Psalm 8:2


Words: Ma­ry A. Kid­der, in Heav­en­ly Ech­oes, by Hor­ace Wa­ters (New York: C. M. Tre­maine, 1867), pages 28–29, alt. Some hym­nals show the au­thor as Min­nie Wa­ters, Kid­der’s pseu­do­nym.

Music: Pe­tah Tik­va Su­san M. Park­hurst (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Kid­der or Park­hurst (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Children’s songs are heav’n­ly ech­oes,
From the spir­it choirs ab­ove,
Echoes from the ho­ly mount­ains
Bosomed in the land of love;
While the an­gel bands are sing­ing,
While the gold­en harps are ring­ing,
Babes on earth re­peat the strain,
Listen to the sweet re­frain.


Angels sing­ing, children ring­ing,
Out the ech­oes through the land;
Heav’nly chor­us, float­ing o’er us,
From the sweet se­ra­phic band.

Children’s thoughts like birds of Heav­en,
Drink the eth­er of the skies,
Mounting up on snowy pin­ions,
To the gates of pa­ra­dise:
There they learn sad Cal­va­ry’s story,
Catch se­raph­ic notes of glo­ry,
Echoing soft each note that thrills
Back among the gold­en hills.


Hark! how sweet the heav’n­ly ech­oes,
Caught from pure ce­les­ti­al lays—
From the mouths of babes and suck­lings,
Jesus hath per­fect­ed praise.
Let the child­ren keep on sing­ing,
While the courts of Heav’n are ring­ing,
Let the youth­ful voic­es rise,
In the an­thems of the skies.
