The Father…the Son and…the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Arthur T. Russell, in the Choral Hymn Book, by Peter Maurice, 1861.
Music: Exeter (Tilleard) James Tilleard (1827–1876) (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Russell or Tilleard (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Heavenly Father, all creation
Shows the wonders of Thy hand;
Now accept our adoration,
Lord, Thy blessing now command:
Thee the fount of life we own,
Thee our maker, Thee alone;
Hear our prayers, accept the praise,
We, Thy flock, Thy children, raise.
Son of God, who didst from Heaven
Come to save our ruined race,
Who to us Thyself hast given,
Lord of mercy, truth and grace;
Thy redeeming love we sing;
Lord, to Thee our hearts we bring;
At Thy call we come to Thee,
At Thy name we bow the knee.
Holy Ghost, whose inspiration
Is of life and light the spring
Bless us with Thy visitation,
Love and peace and gladness bring;
Guide us on our heavenly way;
Keep us, lest we go astray;
Father, Son, and Spirit pure,
Ever shall Thy praise endure.