Scripture Verse

The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised. 1 Corinthians 15:52


Words: O. A. Pratt, in Truth in Song, ed­it­ed by Bar­ney E. War­ren, An­drew L. By­ers, Clar­ence E. Hunt­er & Da­ni­el O. Teas­ley (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1907), num­ber 156.

Music: J. Ray­mond Neff (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Pratt’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Neff,


He comes! He comes with trum­pet sound,
To wake the slum­ber­ing na­tions round;
His par­don­ing love no more is found—
He comes! He comes!
The dead in Christ shall then arise
To meet their Sav­ior in the skies,
No more a bleed­ing sac­ri­fice—
He comes! He comes!

He comes no more in priest­ly dress;
Each eye shall see, each tongue con­fess:
To judge the world in right­eous­ness
He comes! He comes!
The earth shall melt, the mount­ains quake,
The sea shall roar, the hea­vens shake,
The trum­pet sounds, the dead awake—
He comes! He comes!

Dear sinn­ers, what will be your fate?
The cry will be, Too late, too late!
To enter in at Hea­ven’s gate!

He comes! He comes!
Let rocks and mount­ains on us fall,
In vain at mer­cy’s door they call:
Now doomed to swift des­truc­tion all—
He comes! He comes!

His loved, His own all hear His voice,
Obey His call, in Him re­joice;
The way of life has been their choice;
He comes! He comes!
Now to those man­sions fair and bright
They take their ev­er­last­ing flight;
There they shall walk with Him in white—
He comes! He comes!

Behold, what won­der greets mine eye—
Ten thou­sand an­gels in the sky!
The end has come, de­struct­ion’s nigh,
He comes! He comes!
Oh, fear­ful scene! Cre­ation groans,
While loud above the trum­pet tones
What peals of joy! What pierc­ing moans!
He comes! He comes!