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Scripture Verse

Surely I come quickly. Revelation 22:20


Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., in Bil­lows of Praise, by Ru­fus H. Cor­ne­li­us (Fort Worth, Tex­as: R. H. Cor­ne­li­us, 1920).

Music: Ro­bert D. Bur­le­son (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Oat­man or Bur­le­son, would you send us an e-mail?

Robert Burleson (1876–1939)


Have you heard the sto­ry
Of the Lamb once slain?
He is com­ing soon, He is com­ing soon;
Christ the King of Glo­ry, o’er the earth to reign,
And He’s com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon.


Go and tell the sto­ry of His love,
He is com­ing from His home above.
Coming back His won­der­ful love to prove;
Christ is com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon.

’Tis the sweet­est sto­ry
Ever mor­tal heard,
He is com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon.
Cheering is the pro­mise in His pre­cious Word,
He is com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon.


I am watch­ing for Him
Every day and hour,
For He’s com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon;
No more as a ba­by, but in king­ly pow­er—
Christ is com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon.


There will be no sor­row,
There will be no tears,
When the Sav­ior comes, and He’s com­ing soon;
O’er the earth our king will reign a thou­sand years,
O pre­pare for Him, for He’s com­ing soon.


Be pre­pared to meet Him,
Robed in gar­ments white,
He is com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon;
If you are not rea­dy, seek the Lord to­night,
For He’s com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon.


We shall rise to meet Him,
With our loved ones there;
He is com­ing soon, sure­ly com­ing soon;
When we hear the trum­pet sound­ing in the air,
And it won’t be long, He is com­ing soon.
