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Scripture Verse

I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Hebrews 13:5


Words: Jes­se P. Tomp­kins, in Pen­te­cost­al Hymns No. 2, ed­it­ed by Hen­ry Date (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Hope Pub­lish­ing, 1898), num­ber 120.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Tomp­kins (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

William J. Kirkpatrick


Jesus is mine, He nev­er will for­sake me;
Jesus is mine, no ev­il can o’er­take me;
I seek His kind­ly face,
I trust Him for His grace;
O no, He nev­er will for­sake me.
No, no, no, He nev­er will for­sake me;
No, no, no, no ev­il can o’er­take me;
His love will ev­er last,
Till all of earth is past;
O no, He nev­er will for­sake me.

Jesus is mine, He nev­er will de­ceive me;
Jesus is mine, His words shall nev­er grieve me;
I know His love is true,
And what He says, He’ll do;
O no, He nev­er will de­ceive me.
No, no, no, He nev­er will de­ceive me;
No, no, no, His words shall nev­er grieve me;
I know His love is true,
And what He says, He’ll do;
O no, He nev­er will de­ceive me.

Jesus is mine, He nev­er will de­sert me;
Jesus is mine, no grief can ev­er hurt me;
For on His throb­bing breast
I can most sweet­ly rest;
O no, He nev­er will de­sert me.
No, no, no, He nev­er will de­sert me;
No, no, no, no grief can ev­er hurt me;
For on His throb­bing breast
I can most sweet­ly rest;
O no, He nev­er will de­sert me.

Jesus is mine, He nev­er will re­ject me;
Jesus is mine, His blood will e’er pro­tect me;
And when be­fore the throne,
I shall not stand alone,
O no, He nev­er will re­ject me.
No, no, no, He nev­er will re­ject me;
No, no, no, His blood will e’er pro­tect me;
And when be­fore His throne,
I shall not stand alone;
No, no, He nev­er will re­ject me.