Scripture Verse

He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:11


William C. Poole (1875–1949)

Words: Will­iam C. Poole, 1912.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles H. Gabriel (1856–1932)


Christ will not fail me! how pre­cious the word!
I am se­cure with my Sav­ior and Lord;
His love fail­eth ne­ver, en­dur­eth for­ev­er,
And le­gions of an­gels shall ov­er me guard.


He pro­mised to keep me, sup­port and de­fend me
When tri­als o’er­take and temp­ta­tions assail;
He pro­mised to guide me, and I am per­suad­ed
His pro­mis­es ne­ver, no, ne­ver can fail.

Christ will not fail me! a child of His care;
All of my bur­dens He glad­ly will share.
He’s ev­er be­side me, no harm can be­tide me,
For when I most need Him, my Sav­ior is there.


Christ will not fail me when tempt­ed by sin;
He felt its pow­er in the strug­gle to win.
My weak­ness He know­eth; His love ev­er show­eth,
So sweet­ly con­troll­ing my spir­it with­in.


Onward I jour­ney, no need shall I know
But that His good­ness and pow­er will be­stow;
The while I am cling­ing, my glad heart is sing­ing,
For Christ is be­side me wher­ev­er I go.
