Scripture Verse

Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Psalm 51:7


Words: C. H. Mont­go­me­ry, in The Harp of Glo­ry, ed­it­ed by Will­iam T. Dale & H. A. R. Hor­ton (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: W. T. Dale, 1911), num­ber 39.

Music: H. A. R. Hor­ton (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mont­go­me­ry or Hor­ton’s full name, or where to get their pho­tos,


Enslaved by sin and Sa­tan’s pow­er,
My heart was filled with gloom of night;
But Je­sus came in that sad hour,
And purged my soul and made it white.


Rejoice, re­joice, I am so free;
I am so free, I am so free,
And I will work for His de­light,
For Christ is ev­ery­thing to me,
He purged my soul and made it white.

While liv­ing thus I felt sin’s weight,
But God’s dear Son did set me free,
And I can ne’er for­get the date,
When He did say, Thy light I’ll be.


That light so sweet, to me ’twas dear,
When once I knew His love so deep,
And now I live with­out a fear,
For God my soul in Christ doth keep.
