

Born: Ap­ril 16, 1849, Ma­con, Georg­ia.

Died: June 15, 1920, at his home, 4539 Cole Av­en­ue, Dal­las, Tex­as. His song Will He Re­mem­ber Me?, still in ma­nu­script form, was read at his fu­ner­al. The funeral was held in the First Cum­ber­land Pres­by­ter­ian Church in Dal­las, where had been a mem­ber for 45 years.

Buried: Green­wood Ce­me­te­ry, Dal­las, Tex­as.



Henry was the son of Da­ni­el Hor­ton and Ca­ther­ine How­ell, and hus­band of Paul­ine Baum­gart­ner of Mc­Kin­ney, Tex­as (mar­ried 1873).

He moved to Tex­as with his par­ents in 1857, and they first set­tled in An­der­son, Grimes Coun­ty.

At age 18, he went to Bry­an, Texas, to learn the jew­el­er’s trade. He was af­ter­ward in bu­si­ness in se­ver­al Tex­as ci­ties, and moved to Dal­las in 1890.

His death cer­ti­fi­cate showed his oc­cu­pa­tion as Jew­el­er, though he is some­times re­ferred to as Pro­fes­sor Hor­ton, in­di­cat­ing he was prob­ab­ly a teach­er. He is al­so not­ed as lead­ing a male quar­tet in 1905 in Tex­as.





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