Scripture Verse

Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15


Martin W. Knapp (1853–1901)

Words: Mar­tin W. Knapp, Bi­ble Songs of Sal­va­tion and Vic­to­ry (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: M. W. Knapp, 1902), num­ber 86.

Music: Flor­ence L. Pot­ter, ar­ranged by Ro­bert E. Mc­Neill (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pot­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Robert E. McNeill (1861–1937)


Wandering far from the Shep­herd away,
Perishing far from the fold,
Many the sheep that are dy­ing to­day,
Dying away in the cold.
Wandering out on the mount­ain so drear;
Dying away from the Shep­herd so dear;
Longing, it may be, His sweet voice to hear;
Dying away from the fold.


Perishing now, per­ish­ing now,
Perishing far from the fold;
Perishing now, per­ish­ing now,
Perishing far from the fold;

Jesus, to save them, from Hea­ven came down;
Suffered for them on the tree,
Leaving His hea­ven­ly man­sion and crown;
Wonderful! How could it be?
Leaving His scep­ter and ci­ty of gold;
Welcoming sor­row and tor­ture untold;
All to bring wan­der­ers back to the fold;
Dying for you and for me.


Speed with the Gos­pel, His man­date ob­ey;
Preach it to all of the world;
Herald it quick­ly, no long­er de­lay;
Tell it to all of the world;
Preach it, eter­ni­ty’s night draw­eth near;
Preach it, for news of His com­ing we hear;
Preach it, for soon our Lord King will ap­pear;
Preach it to all of the world.


India’s wait­ing the mes­sage to hear,
Message of joy and of love;
Africa’s wait­ing for Je­sus to cheer,
Tidings from Hea­ven above;
Isles of the ocean are wait­ing for light;
Japan and Chi­na are merg­ing from night,
Waiting to wel­come the hea­ven­ly light,
Coming from Hea­ven above.
