Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19–20
Words: C. Cooke, in Devotional Melodies, edited by A. S. Jenks (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: A. S. Jenks, 1859), number 186. Dedicated to the
Also see Speed Away.Green Street [Methodist Episcopal] Church
Juvenile Missionary Society.
Music: Isaac B. Woodbury, 1848 (🔊
If you know Cooke’s full name, or where to get a good picture of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Speed away! speed away!
O ye heralds of light,
There are millions enshrouded
In nature’s dark night,
Who are willing to hear,
And the truth to receive,
But know of no Savior
On whom to believe.
O they’re dying by thousands
In sin every day!
Speed away! speed away!
Speed away!
Let the Church to the help
Of Jehovah draw near—
Come with love, and with faith,
And with fervor in prayer!
Let her fling to the breeze
The pure banner of truth,
And enlist in the struggle
Her warm-hearted youth;
Let the parents and children,
And everyone say,
Speed away! speed away!
Speed away!
We will lay on the altar
Our money and prayers:
And we’ll bathe every offering
In sympathy’s tears—
For the Jews and Mohammedans,
Gentiles and all;
On Jehovah by night
And by day we will call,
And ye heralds of mercy,
Oh! make no delay!
Speed away! speed away!
Speed away!
Speed away! speed away
With a message from Heav’n,
To all nations of men
Let the tidings be giv’n
That Messiah has triumphed,
Is foes are all slain,
And the earth as an Eden
Is blushing again!
O great Savior, let nothing
This conquest delay
Speed away! speed away!
Speed away!