He will be our guide even to the end.
Psalm 48:14
Words: A. B. Emmons, in Songs of the Bible, edited by Alonzo Abbey & William A. Ogden (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Perkinpine & Higgins, 1873), number 127.
Music: Alonzo J. Abbey (🔊
If you know Emmons’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Abbey, would you send us an e-mail?
’Tis God’s own hand that leadeth me,
Along my lonely way;
But not because He needeth me,
I need Him for my stay.
So God’s own hand doth lead me on,
Thro’ darkness and thro’ gloom,
And well I know, where’er I go,
His hand will lead me home.
Home, sweet home,
My dear, my heavenly home;
And well I know, where’er I go,
His hand will lead me home.
’Tis God’s own hand that leadeth me,
Along my toilsome way;
And since in love He feedeth me,
I’ll trust Him day by day.
’Tis God’s own hand that leadeth me,
Along my pilgrim way;
And every day He speedeth me
Towards Heav’n’s eternal day.