I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
Words: James Rowe, 1917.
Music: Henry P. Morton (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Morton, would you send us an e-mail?
Darkness may o’ertake me
And my song forsake me,
But alone I never shall be;
For the Friend beside me
Promised He would guide me,
And will keep His promise to me.
He will keep his promise to me,
All the way with me He will go;
He has never broken
Any promise spoken;
He will keep His promise, I know.
Should misfortune meet me,
Friends may fail to greet me,
But if true to Jesus I stay
He will still uphold me,
Let His love enfold me
Every dreary mile of the way.
How the thought enthralls me,
That whate’er befalls me
One will always love me the same;
Not a trial ever
Causes Him to sever
From the ones who honor His name.