I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
John 14:3
Words: F. M. Atkinson, in Sunday School and Revival, edited by Charlie D. Tillman (Atlanta, Georgia: Charlie D. Tillman, 1907), number 131, alt.
Music: Sindh Lelia N. Morris (🔊
If you know Atkinson’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Soon the night of gloom will vanish,
And the morning dawn appear;
When the Lord of glory cometh,
And His coming draweth near;
With an upward gaze we’re watching
For His coming back again:
And with rapture we shall meet Him,
Evermore with Him to reign.
Yes, our Lord is surely coming,
And with joy we’ll gladly meet Him,
And with rapture we shall greet Him,
On that crowning day.
In that long expected hour,
When He cleaves the vaulted sky,
To immortal He will change us,
In the twinkling of an eye;
Then the graves of saints will open,
And the dead in Christ
shall rise;
With the saints alive they’ll gather,
Meet the Savior in the skies.
When this mortal flesh shall vanish,
All immortal we shall be;
Rise to worlds of light and beauty,
Throughout all eternity;
All the powers of hell defeated,
Swallowed up in victory;
We shall reign with Him in glory,
Kings and priests forever be.