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Scripture Verse

Ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. John 14:17


Effie S. Black

Words: Ef­fie S. Black, in Chris­tian Hymns No. 1, ed­it­ed by Will­iam Phi­lips Hall & J. Wil­bur Chap­man (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1899), num­ber 39, alt. Re­spect­ful­ly de­di­cat­ed to Wi­no­na Bi­ble Con­fer­ence.

Music: Schwer­in Ef­fie S. Black, 1899 (🔊 ).


Holy Spir­it, dwell in me,
Teach my err­ing feet the way;
As I jour­ney here be­low,
Guide me ev­ery day.
Show me what I ought to do,
Help me shun the wrong;
In this var­ied chain of life,
Make the weak link strong.

Holy Spir­it, dwell in me,
Fill my soul with rich­est grace;
Let me all the beau­ty see
In my Sav­ior’s face
Till at last His life shall be
Mirrored in my own,
And the like­ness God can see
To His own dear Son.

Holy Spir­it, dwell in me,
Till life’s night has passed away;
Then with rap­ture I shall wake
In eter­nal day.
I shall dwell with Christ my Lord
In our heav’n­ly home,
And He will pre­sent me then,
Faultless at the throne.