I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Thy wonders of old.
Psalm 77:11
Words: Isaac Watts, The Psalms of David, 1719, alt. Comfort derived from ancient providences; or, Israel delivered from Egypt and brought to Canaan.
Music: Alida D. B. Thompson, in Joyful Wing, edited by John R. Sweney & William J. Kirkpatrick (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1889), page 173 (🔊 pdf nwc).
How awful is Thy chastening rod!
May Thy own children say:
The great, the wise, the dreadful God!
How holy is His way!
I’ll meditate His works of old,
The King that reigns above;
I’ll hear His ancient wonders told,
And learn to trust His love.
Long did the house of Joseph lie
With Egypt’s yoke oppressed;
Long He delayed to hear their cry,
Nor gave His people rest.
The sons of good old Jacob seemed
Abandoned to their foes;
But His almighty arm redeemed
The nation that He chose.
Israel, His people and His sheep,
Must follow where He calls;
He bade them venture through the deep,
And made the waves their walls.
The waters saw Thee, mighty God!
The waters saw Thee come;
Backward they fled, and frighted stood,
To make Thine armies room.
Strange was Thy journey through the sea
Thy footsteps, Lord, unknown;
Terrors attend the wondrous way
That brings Thy mercies down.
Thy voice, with terror in the sound,
Through clouds and darkness broke;
All Heav’n in lightning shone around,
And earth with thunder shook.
Thine arrows through the skies were hurled;
How glorious is the Lord!
Surprise and trembling seized the world,
And His own saints adored.
He gave them water from the rock,
And safe, by Moses’ hand,
Through sun-baked desert led His flock
Home to the promised land.