Scripture Verse

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words: Jo­seph Hart (1712–1768).

Music: Cra­dle Song Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, Around the World with Christ­mas, 1895 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, or where to get a good pic­ture of Hart (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William J. Kirkpatrick


How blest is the sea­son,
At which we ap­pear!
Bow down, sense and rea­son,
Faith on­ly reigns here.
’Tis hard by mere na­ture
With cold­ness or scorn,
That God our cre­at­or
An in­fant was born.

Lost souls to re­co­ver
And form them afresh
Our wond­er­ful lov­er
Took flesh of our flesh:
Then let each dull dream­er
Awake to this morn
And hail the Re­deem­er
At Beth­le­hem born.

Ye drunk­ards, ye swear­ers,
Ye muck­worms of earth,
Repent, and be shar­ers
In this bless­èd birth.
From sin to re­lease us
That yoke so long worn,
The ho­ly Child Je­sus
Of Ma­ry was born.

Opposers, trans­gress­ors,
Of ev­ery de­gree,
And for­mal pro­fess­ors,
The worst of the three,
With tears of con­tri­tion
Your fool­ish­ness mourn;
To give you re­miss­ion
Immanuel’s born.

Ye vil­est of crea­tures,
Backsliders so base,
Bold re­bels and trai­tors,
Abusers of grace,
Come, cease your back­slid­ings,
And once more re­turn:
Receive the glad tid­ings,
A Sav­ior is born.

Poor sin­ners de­ject­ed,
Of com­fort de­barred,
Whose hearts are af­flict­ed
Because they’re so hard,
Despairing of fa­vor,
Cold, life­less, for­lorn!
Remember the Sav­ior
In winter was born.

And ye that sin­cere­ly
Confide in the Lamb
(He loves you most dear­ly),
Rejoice in His name.
No more the be­liev­er
From God shall be torn;
To hold him for ev­er
An in­fant is born.