For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Joseph Hart (1712–1768).
Music: Cradle Song William J. Kirkpatrick, Around the World with Christmas, 1895 (🔊 ).
If you know when this hymn was written, or where to get a good picture of Hart (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
How blest is the season,
At which we appear!
Bow down, sense and reason,
Faith only reigns here.
’Tis hard by mere nature
With coldness or scorn,
That God our creator
An infant was born.
Lost souls to recover
And form them afresh
Our wonderful lover
Took flesh of our flesh:
Then let each dull dreamer
Awake to this morn
And hail the Redeemer
At Bethlehem born.
Ye drunkards, ye swearers,
Ye muckworms of earth,
Repent, and be sharers
In this blessèd birth.
From sin to release us
That yoke so long worn,
The holy Child Jesus
Of Mary was born.
Opposers, transgressors,
Of every degree,
And formal professors,
The worst of the three,
With tears of contrition
Your foolishness mourn;
To give you remission
Immanuel’s born.
Ye vilest of creatures,
Backsliders so base,
Bold rebels and traitors,
Abusers of grace,
Come, cease your backslidings,
And once more return:
Receive the glad tidings,
A Savior is born.
Poor sinners dejected,
Of comfort debarred,
Whose hearts are afflicted
Because they’re so hard,
Despairing of favor,
Cold, lifeless, forlorn!
Remember the Savior
In winter was born.
And ye that sincerely
Confide in the Lamb
(He loves you most dearly),
Rejoice in His name.
No more the believer
From God shall be torn;
To hold him for ever
An infant is born.