Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
Matthew 6:28–29
Words: Edward H. Jackson, in The School Hymnal, by William R. Stevenson (London: E. Marlborough, 1880), number 131.
Music: Carey Bonner, 1905 (🔊
). Some hymnals show the composer as Herman von Müller, one of Bonner’s pseudonyms.
If you know where to get a good photo of Jackson (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
How fair are the lilies,
What fragrance they yield,
Unwatched and untended by man!
For the Lord gives them beauty
To brighten the field,
And the flowers are part of His plan.
Let me never despair
Of His love and His care,
If He thinks of the flowers,
If on fields He has smiled,
He will care so much more for a child.
There is not a sparrow
That cleaves the blue air,
Unnoticed by God in its fall;
For He made them, He knows them,
They all have His care,
And He loves them altho’ they’re so small.
Let us bless His dear name
Who is always the same,
For He wants us to know that
We’re thought of above,
And that each little child has His love.
The moss grows unseen
In the niche of the wall,
But could not be there without God;
And the dew drops that find it,
Where rain cannot fall,
He has purposely scattered abroad;
So in my lowly place
I may still feel His grace,
For the dew of His love
Can e’en come to me there,
And His blessing in answer to prayer.
As we in His beautiful
Image were made,
He loves us beyond all beside;
But it grieved Him when sin
Caused that image to fade,
And to give the lost beauty He died;
And He now from His throne
Would make us His own,
He is saying with love
That is boundless and free,
Let the little ones come unto Me.