The city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.
Revelation 21:18
Words: Ella E. Miles (verses 1–3), in The Gospel Awakening, edited by Francis Blackmer (Springfield, Massachusetts: F. A. Blackmer, 1888), number 103; Francis Blackmer (verse 4 & arrangement), 1915.
Music: Francis A. Blackmer, 1915 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Miles or Blackmer (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
How far to the City of Gold?
The anxious pilgrim cries;
How far to journey ere I see
Its towers before me rise?
Tho’ often worn and sad,
Oppressed with grief and care,
Pilgrim, press on a few more steps,
Thy feet are almost there.
Press on, press on,
Where lies thy home so fair;
Pilgrim, press on a few more steps,
Thy feet are almost there.
How far to the City of Gold?
The saddened hearts would know,
While mourning o’er the friends they love,
In death’s embrace laid low;
How long ere saints awake
And pass those portals fair?
Hope whispers in affliction’s hour,
Weep not, they’re almost there.
How far to the City of Gold?
Where sorrow ne’er shall come—
The promised land of joy and rest,
The saints’ eternal home?
The journey long has been,
But home will soon appear;
Each landmark past proclaims to us
We’re almost, almost there.
How far to the City of Gold?
Thy waiting Church would know;
Each day Thy children upward gaze,
Each day more anxious grow;
Blest Savior, cleave the sky,
And quickly, quickly come;
We long to see Thy blessèd face,
And dwell with Thee at home.