My kingdom is not of this world.
John 18:36
Words: Caelius Sedulius, circa 450 (Hostis Herodes impie). Translated from Latin to English by Arthur T. Russell, Psalms and Hymns (Cambridge, England: John Deighton, 1851), number 71.
Music: Das neugeborne Kindlein Melchior Vulpius, Ein schön geistlich Gesangbuch (Jena, Germany: 1609). Harmony by Johann S. Bach, 1724 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Russell (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
How vain was impious Herod’s dread
To see the crown on Jesus’ head!
His hand no earthly good denies
Who gives the kingdom of the skies.
The wise men by His star are brought
To Him whom saints and prophets sought;
Their offerings Him their God confess,
Their eyes the light eternal bless.
O meek and holy Lamb, to Thee
Let men and angels bow the knee;
Our race to sanctify and save,
Thou dost descend to Jordan’s wave.
Lo, in her pure and gladsome hour
Cana beheld, O Christ, Thy power!
The water changed to wine doth show
That Thou art God with us below.
Again, O Jesu, let Thy might
Appear in all the heathen’s sight;
In Thee alone be all our boast,
O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!