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Scripture Verse

The earth did quake, and the rocks rent. Matthew 27:51


Words: At­trib­ut­ed va­ri­ous­ly to Jo­na­than Ev­ans, 1784, & Ben­ja­min Fran­cis, 1787.

Music: Bryn Cal­fa­ria Will­iam Ow­en, 1852 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Ev­ans, Fran­cis or Ow­en (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Hark! the voice of love and mer­cy
Sounds aloud from Cal­va­ry;
See, it rends the rocks asun­der,
Shakes the earth, and veils the sky:
It is fin­ished! It is fin­ished!
It is fin­ished!
Hear the dying Sav­ior cry;
Hear the dy­ing Sav­ior cry.

It is fin­ished! O what plea­sure
Do these pre­cious words af­ford;
Heav’nly bless­ings, with­out mea­sure,
Flow to us from Christ the Lord:
It is fin­ished! It is fin­ished!
It is fin­ished!
Saints the dy­ing words record;
Saints the dy­ing words record.

Finished all the types and sha­dows
Of the ce­re­mo­ni­al law;
Finished all that God had pro­mised;
Death and hell no more shall awe:
It is fin­ished! It is fin­ished!
It is fin­ished!
Saints, from hence your com­fort draw;
Saints, from hence your com­fort draw.

Tune your harps anew, ye ser­aphs,
Join to sing the glo­ri­ous theme;
All in earth, and all in Heav­en,
Join to praise Em­ma­nu­el’s name;
Alleluia! Al­le­lu­ia!
Alleluia! Glory to the bleed­ing Lamb!
Glory to the bleed­ing Lamb!

Descent from the Cross
Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669)