Scripture Verse

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. John 14:6


Charles Case (1843–1918)

Words: Ma­ry E. Ser­voss, 1878.

Music: Bur­sa Charles C. Case, 1881 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ser­voss (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


I am com­ing, gen­tle Sav­ior,
Take me firm­ly by the hand;
Keep me in the nar­row path­way,
Leading to the hea­ven­ly land;
For my feet have oft been stray­ing
In for­bid­den paths of sin,
And from Thee my heart has wan­dered;
Make me, keep me pure with­in.

I am com­ing, gen­tle Sav­ior,
Coming quick­ly un­to Thee;
For I hear Thy sweet voice call­ing,
Oh, poor sin­ner, come to Me!
And I know that Thou art migh­ty,
Thou canst wash me free from sin;
Take my heart, O Lord, and cleanse it,
And for­ev­er dwell with­in.

I am com­ing, gen­tle Sav­ior,
I have naught but love to bring,
Save a heart both weak and sin­ful,
But to Thee, my all, I cling;
Naught to bring, but Thou hast called me,
Thy great love is all my plea,
All the world I leave be­hind me,
And to Thy dear arms I flee.