I am He that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore…and have the keys of hell and of death.
Revelation 1:18
Words: C. Russell Hurditch, The Enlarged London Hymn Book 1873.
Music: James H. Burke, in Gospel Hymns No. 6, edited by Ira D. Sankey, James McGranahan & George C. Stebbins (New York & Cincinnati, Ohio: John Church and Biglow & Main, 1891), number 140 (🔊
He dies! He dies! The lowly Man of sorrows,
On whom were laid our many griefs and woes;
Our sins He bore, beneath God’s awful billows,
And He hath triumphed over all our foes.
I am He that liveth, that liveth and was dead,
I am He that liveth, that liveth and was dead;
And behold, I am alive forevermore,
Behold, I am alive forevermore;
I am He that liveth, that liveth and was dead,
And behold, I am alive forevermore.
He lives! He lives! What glorious consolation!
Exalted at His Father’s own right hand,
He pleads for us, and by His intercession,
Enables all His saints by grace to stand.
He comes! He comes! O blest anticipation!
In keeping with His true and faithful word;
To call us to our heav’nly consummation—
Caught up, to be forever with the Lord.