As many as touched Him were made whole.
Mark 6:56
Words: Enoch E. Byrum, in Echoes from Glory (Grand Junction, Michigan: Gospel Trumpet Publishing, 1893), number 170.
Music: Barney E. Warren (🔊
With afflictions great and sore,
As if bound by Satan’s hand,
For Thy healing mercy to implore,
Lord, I came at Thy command.
I am healed, I know I am,
I am healed this very hour,
For my Jesus says I am,
And I feel His mighty power.
Tho’ my faith was very weak,
Jesus said so sweet and kind,
I will surely heal you every whit,
And will break the chains that bind.
Then His proferred hand I took,
And the vict’ry soon was won,
I received the perfect healing touch,
And the work was quickly done.
Praise His name for evermore!
I will tell to all around,
How the precious gift of healing power,
Thro’ the Spirit, we have found.