Scripture Verse

Glory ye in His holy name. Psalm 105:3


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, in Songs of Pen­te­cost­al Pow­er, Com­plete, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert E. Win­sett (Fort Smith, Ar­kan­sas & Chat­ta­noo­ga, Ten­nes­see: Ro­bert E. Win­sett, 1908).

Music: James E. Tho­mas (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Rowe or Tho­mas,

James E. Thomas (1860–1946)


I am so glad sal­va­tion’s free
To all who will re­ceive it,
Glad that the news was brought to me
When I was lost and sad;
Praise His dear name, I can pro­claim
That tru­ly I be­lieve it,
For I am now His child, I know,
And I’m so glad.


Glory, ho­nor be to His name for­ev­er,
Never a great­er friend
The sin­ful race has had;
Love Him, praise Him,
Jesus, the match­less Sav­ior,
He has re­deemed this soul of mine,
And I’m so glad.

I am so glad that I can tell
To way­ward souls the sto­ry,
Glad that by grace from day to day
A help­er I may be;
Finding de­light in ser­vice true,
My soul is win­ning glo­ry,
Glory for Him who gave His life
To res­cue me.


I am so glad that all my heart
To Je­sus I have giv­en,
Glad that at ev­en­tide my soul
True sheaves to Him may bring;
I will be true un­til with all
The hap­py throng in Hea­ven,
Sweeter and nob­ler praise I give
To Christ, my king.
