Glory ye in His holy name.
Psalm 105:3
Words: James Rowe, in Songs of Pentecostal Power, Complete, edited by Robert E. Winsett (Fort Smith, Arkansas & Chattanooga, Tennessee: Robert E. Winsett, 1908).
Music: James E. Thomas (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Rowe or Thomas, would you send us an e-mail?
I am so glad salvation’s free
To all who will receive it,
Glad that the news was brought to me
When I was lost and sad;
Praise His dear name, I can proclaim
That truly I believe it,
For I am now His child, I know,
And I’m so glad.
Glory, honor be to His name forever,
Never a greater friend
The sinful race has had;
Love Him, praise Him,
Jesus, the matchless Savior,
He has redeemed this soul of mine,
And I’m so glad.
I am so glad that I can tell
To wayward souls the story,
Glad that by grace from day to day
A helper I may be;
Finding delight in service true,
My soul is winning glory,
Glory for Him who gave His life
To rescue me.
I am so glad that all my heart
To Jesus I have given,
Glad that at eventide my soul
True sheaves to Him may bring;
I will be true until with all
The happy throng in Heaven,
Sweeter and nobler praise I give
To Christ, my king.