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I AM THE DOOR (Williams)

Scripture Verse

I am the door; anyone who enters through Me will be saved, and will go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9


Words: Dwight Will­iams, in Win­nowed Hymns, ed­it­ed by Charles C. Mc­Cabe & Da­ni­el T. Mac­Far­lan (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1873), page 27.

Music: Har­mo­ny by Si­las J. Vail (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Vail (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Dwight Williams (1824–1898)


I am the door, come in, come in,
And leave with­out thy load of sin;
The night is dark, the storm is wild,
O ven­ture in, thou stran­ger child,
O ven­ture in, thou stran­ger child.

I am the door, come, gent­ly knock,
And I will loose the hea­vy lock
That guards my Fa­ther’s pre­cious fold;
Come in from dark­ness and from cold,
Come in from dark­ness and from cold.

I am the door, no long­er roam,
Here are thy trea­sures, here thy home;
I pur­chased them for thee and thine,
And paid the price in blood di­vine,
And paid the price in blood di­vine.

I am the door, My Fa­ther waits
To make thee heir of rich es­tates;
Come, dwell with Him, and dwell with Me,
And thou My Fa­ther’s child shall be,
And thou My Fa­ther’s child shall be.

I am the door, come in, come in,
And ev­er­last­ing trea­sures win;
My Fa­ther’s house was built for thee,
And thou shalt share His home with Me,
And thou shalt share His home with Me.